Pulp; wasn't really a fan back in the day and that hasn't changed, ephemeral nostalgia notwithstanding.
Still, it was good to see the recent Pulp documentary A film about Life, Death and Supermarkets by my fellow New Zullander Florian Habicht on the weekend, and I recommend it to anyone with even a passing interest in music or the 90s per se. So much joy in listening to the cross-dressing Sheffieldian and his dysmorphic paramour; mad love is a wonderful thing and it does my heart good to know it is just as it ever was. It's also good to get baked and watch Trollhunter, another way to piss away a Saturday evening that I thoroughly recommend. We've been squaring our eyes lately watching so much new stuff that I haven't got around to reviewing any of it, so I might do one big post with a bunch of mini reviews just to tip you off to a few things worth your time.

> This isn't Michael Fassbender, it's Napolean, our Chinese Painted quail, enjoying excellent relations with Lightning Bolt and Hilary, his two Japanese girlfriends on a cold and windy day. He likes big butts and he can not lie.
The site had another record weekend so cheers for that. If you're reading and liking, tell a friend. Or an enemy.