It's the shortest day down here in the midst of a freakishly warm winter. We're sitting here without any form of heating about to go for a walk in a long sleeved T, so global warming = no complaints so far. Wishing everyone good luck on the other side. Take it away Wikipedia: "A solargraph taken from the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment at the Llano de Chajnantor Observatory in the southern hemisphere. This is a long-exposure photograph, with the image exposed for six months in a direction facing east of north, from mid-December 2009 until the southern winter solstice in June 2010.[4] The sun's path each day can be seen from right to left in this image across the sky; the path of the following day runs slightly lower, until the day of the winter solstice, whose path is the lowest one in the image." |
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