Knitting sucks big dog's bollocks. It's boring as shit, doesn't go well unless you've been doing it for fifty fucking years, the patterns are soul destroyingly basic and to cut a long story short, I refuse to do it. But I have a lifelong love of wool, dammit. And textiles, spinning, weaving, sheep... anything lanolin-related. This plight is exacerbated by the fact that no knitter ever wants to make anything for me, no matter how many hints slash massive lists of demands I drop. |
So fuck them. Who better to cater to my exacting yet amorphous expectations than me? Watching basket making stuff on Youtube from various cultures must have started up a subconscious thought-stew because I bought a bunch of handspun and started finger-crocheting without any real idea of what might come of it. Four lines of different natural, relatively hard wool became a fat braid-like structure which I then just coiled from the top, sewing/warping it together as I formed it with a single thread and needle. Whatever this process is rightly called, I highly bloody recommend it. It has all the relative technical ease of simple basketry, the low cost of hand sewing, the stress-free malleability of coil potting and the satisfying look of something someone else did, lol. |