I call this Half-Basque Eggs in honour of a friend (the semi-Iberian/Euskal element) who returned from a trip to his maternally ancestral Navarre mumbling fervently about... this local traditional thing, with um eggs, and all this other good shit that was fucking delicious... without being able to specify much else because hrmmmph no cook just eat: manbrain. He was trapped in the memory of that goodness and could not articulate its particulars.
Luckily I knew that good shit in this instance meant fried/roasted/protein; I have incorporated those and the rest is highly expedient experimental appropriation resulting in this cobbled-together inauthentic rendition of something I have never really experienced in its true form. But don't let that put you off. It is fucking delicious.
Another attraction of egg things like these are their omnichoronological appropriateness. Any given sliver of the day or night is Half-Basque Eggs time. The meat-free version, especially with roasted vegetables, is perfectly satisfying and delicious. It can be as unprocessed, Paleo and low carb as you like. All that and it reheats without prejudice when you make too much.
W H A T Y O U ' L L N E E D - 5 to 7 Free-range eggs, depending on size. - Olive oil - Smoked paprika, pepper, salt - Your preferred herbs - A vegetable medley; today we use tinned three-bean mix, zucchini, leeks, mushrooms, kale/spinach/silverbeet and leftover roast root veg, but you do you. - Your choice of protein. We've got a nice dry chorizo but any sausage or smoked fish is nice. |
< Chop all your ingredients, including herbs, into chunks, except the sausage which is best sliced finely. Set aside. In your largest frying pan, bring a bit of butter and olive oil and cracked pepper to a fairly high heat and fry the stuff that needs to be cooked or browned; the meat, and any mushrooms and onions etc. |
> Add the green leafy vegetables and stir through carefully. No matter how carefully you stir, it will now become apparent that your pan is too fucking small for the amount of food you're trying to prepare. You can learn from our mistake. We never really do. | < Turn down the heat and pour your raw spiced eggs into the frying pan slowly. Or quickly. Whatever. |