Some Victorian bluebird jewellery is still extant but it's pricy and almost always missing bits. These midcentury German versions are the best in my humble opinion, with their fine guilloché detailing and the translucency of the enamel; the modern ones look so horribly cheesy in comparison. Think I paid about $40, which is high-end for a broke-arse comme moi, but I regret nothing. They're on these rather whacky long hooks because I'm a freak about earrings hanging correctly relative to your lobes and the rest of your features.
Wrong-length earrings on a bitch make me question everything else about them.
the weeping willow
lies a
weeping wino
Wish I'd written that. Tricky should have called himself Persistent because this shit will stick in your head for the next six to eight days. But there are worse things. Ponderosa and indeed, Maxinquaye as a whole are like a heart murmur everyone can enjoy, saltatory and hypoxic. Check it out if you never have.