All this begs a few ethical questions. I'm not a very nice person to begin with and can't help but wonder what (obviously nonexistent) social contract would we be breaking in returning that favour, given the treatment we've been subjected to. My private policy has always been active reciprocation and I know this has stomped more than one ugly situation before it could sprout shitty wings. And that's the trouble- more often than not, in my experience it's been stoic restraint that has fed escalation more than anything else. Going against my molecular inclinations and being all mature and philosophical has hardly ever paid off.
Is restraint just and reasonable, or just expedient? Walking the cop through what this turd had done felt so lazy and ineffectual, and it probably was. But I could never dump a litre of Roundup on blameless vegetation in retribution, even if it did suffer the misfortune of association with the perpetrator in this instance, and even if it did exalt my inner rage monkey at 3am.
Hold my hand while we look at ducks.
I think there'll be some film reviews this week.