No one really says this out loud.But one of the most unquestionably awesome things about losing a lot of weight is setting aside your tiresome, abstemious sanctimony for a day and oinking loudly as you roll off the wagon into a great big pile of artisanal chocolate. Knowing you're not going to wake up fat* the next day. Just sayin. |
Chilling at home as midwinter rolls around needs a little something to take the stabby edge off. I'm a veteran chocolate whore with surprisingly high standards and a few years of professional tasting under my belt so all this was inevitable. In my commentaries about weight loss I discuss why you shouldn't expose yourself to binge cues, but let's just stuff a rag in that shit's mouth for a moment and rip the postbags off the goodies my onboard Satan ordered online. First up- a few small-scale delights from Shoc Chocolate including these gorgeous marzipan fruits.
Look at these little faux fruits- so cute. And so dead now. This is their only memorial. | Marzipan- a lot of people shift uncomfortably when you discuss it but I urge you to expose yourself to the good stuff. |
Moving right along to Patagonia Chocolates. Ran into a little bit of ordering drama as they were revamping their site but they were very nice and comped me a truffle. That's all it really takes to secure my eternal loyalty. Embarrassing, isn't it? |
< I got the make your own choice of slabs box and a random selection of truffles. R loves dark and I have broad tastes, so it was great to be able to compose our own mix. His standout: Dark+candied peel. Mine- white+fig. 8.5/10 One of the best ways to really put an unfamiliar food purveyor to the test is to order something you wouldn't normally choose, and in accordance with that principle I picked out both a boysenberry and a passionfruit truffle. Fruit truffles are something I steer clear of because the ancient trauma of Cadbury Strawberry Roses is a scar that never heals. Am I right, fellow Commonwealthians? |
Whatever Patagonia puts in their truffles sneaked past my Cerberus tongue and pleased the rest of me greatly. They were so utterly delicious that I forgot to photograph their innards so... I don't know... just imagine someone else biting into a fucking delicious handmade chocolate right in front of you and really enjoying it without offering you any.
This is more gratuitous oversharing than a review anyway lol.)
This week I think the Lovely R is writing something about photography on a budget; which gear and why, where to start etc. He knows what he's talking about and he's cheaper than a cold pie so I'll just let him get on with it.