You won't hear me trying to shit all over the significance of budgie smuggling in the larger contexts of pro v amateur, general social deprivation and the urban psittacine diaspora but okay, that was a lie, yes you will, I'm doing it right now. Our thoughts are with the birds and their unassuming intellectual superiority to 98.7% of adjacent simians.
Anyway; Macbeth, latest filmic version of. Love me some Willy S and some Fassbender and Cotillard's no fucking slouch either so it's pretty safe to say I'm looking forward to this shit. Am so relieved they seem to have foresworn the hideous stageiness that inexplicably afflicts so many on-screen productions; why, I'll never know- if you're not actually live on a damn stage delivering thespian realness, why drag all those conventions into shot like a bunch of toilet paper stuck down the back of your fucking underwear?

And while that highly dramatic reaction might deserve some Oscar noms of its own, this rant is not over. I'm not sure why so many approach Shakespeare so darn literally, like it's some holy font of all standards. His shit is a worthy vehicle, nothing more, nothing less; a buxom, well-framed pastiche of much older material that is begging to be remodelled and kicked around in turn precisely because it is so enduring and robust. Hell yes, Shakespeare is good. There is a cool degree of subtext and observation, the sort of delicious facility with language and bendy allusion that you can expect from any sophisticated practitioner etc. But people should flush the idea that it is definitive or worthy of the reverential observation and minute dissection it receives, and I say that with complete confidence because if there's one thing I've learned in my years on this planet it's that nothing really is.
In Shakespeare's ghetto humour and beguiling humanity there is so much explicit indication that he did not take himself half as fucking seriously as the plonkers who are mouthing his words to this day; as a writer I love that. As a member of the audience, I am frustrated that this simple truth is so seldom trusted and expressed. Let's hope Michael and Marion got the fucking memo.
It was going to be Gary and Melissa but that shit's private lol.