And we sort of do let Felix do that, which is our own fault. He's the kind of dog that flies over to the stereo when you're putting on a CD and then stands poised in front of a speaker to catch the music with his mouth. He employs sophisticated displacement routines when thwarted, taking his rope toy into the bedroom (where there is plenty of floorspace) and spinning with it in a violent, head-shaking circle, like a ninja with nunchucks, a process that helps him reject our judgement and expresses his inner turmoil. He has an alter-ago, blanketmonster, who emerges when his head is covered with any sort of cloth; blanketmonster is full of furious courage and master of all. If an underling should insist on booping his nose through the cloth, they will be subjected to many devastating raaahrings.
The retriever drive is strong in Felix and he would stare at the fucking ducks in perpetuity if we let him. I think he understands that they are representational instead of absolutely real, but he still gets up and low-key looks for the animals once the laptop is closed, as though he feels slightly foolish doing so but just needs to make sure I don't have a duck stash under the bed.
I only ever really watched music and documentaries on YT until Felix began influencing our viewing habits. One shouldn't write it off completely as a cesspit of subcreatures- I mean... don't read the comments unless you are planning an end-of-life righteous killing spree, but there are small specks of pure visual and spiritual gold. Black Palm Cockatoos drumming to impress mates, for instance. And if watching (I think these are Rufus or Allen's) hummingbirds bathing en mass doesn't do anything for you, I'm not sure what will. Both Felix and I recommend the following pieces.
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