Don't roll your fucking eyes; this really isn't about me and I am going somewhere with all this. In relating some of the experiences that inform my personal distrust of the normative edifice, I mean. But as much as I detest masculine privilege, aggressive shitlords and organised religion, and as much as I tire of having to observe the damage they perpetrate and as much as they have aggressed me personally, I can't imagine busting into a church or a court or a sports club etc in order to kill them. Consign them to obscurity and powerlessness by dismantling their hegemony one mind at a time? Yes. Hell yes. Spray them with high calibre ordinance? No.
Horrors like the Orlando club shooting are sadly inevitable as long as fuckwits have access to assault weapons, but in some ways, this ability to secure weapons is a peripheral consideration. What makes someone feel entitled to impose the fatal judgements determined by their janky and utterly undistinguished internal discourse, be it with a rifle or a breadknife or a broomstick?
Few documented shooters can have been in much doubt about their own social and intellectual shortcomings. Few of them were capable of autonomously devising the bullshit they supposedly espoused, and those empty miles of internal durr are the real estate religious and racist doctrines have always exploited. Those racist, homophobic and misogynistic scripts need be fired into the sun, for sure, but that shit's just post hoc window-dressing most of the time. We need to make sure we are always looking in the right direction. If the Orlando shooter (I refuse to name him) targeted gay peeps, it's my educated guess that it was because he was a low-functioning, self-absorbed fuckwit, not because being gay is intrinsically troublous or provocative or risky, any more than me being a woman walking home at 3 in the morning is. I don't know what it's like to be a gay man facing a shitbag's gun, but I do know those two things have no logical association.
The single fundamental that most of these said shitbags are expressing isn't, at its core, homophobic. They are expressing intense dissatisfaction- not with their own obvious and demonstrable mediocrity, which would be the intelligent and insightful response- but with the fact that they are viewed as mediocre by an ununderstanding world; one that gets laid and parties and rolls on without them. Masculine privilege and doctrinal platforms hand them all the juju rationale they're too stupid and/or lazy to come up with themselves, and bingo; another mass shooting.
Thus I think it is probably just simple homebake narcissism that gets most of these stunted units across the line into homicidal attention-seeking. Their stated motivations are usually so illogical and asinine that they might as well be random, so whilst they might inflict incalculable harm, their imperatives are trivial. They are unspectacular people insisting that we notice and remember them.
So let's forget their pathetic arses. Religious and political authorities have always used these guys as crowd control in their endless quest for profit and sovereignty; let's not hand them the win by modifying our behaviour or shushing ourselves.
Fuck everything you need a gun to get done.
And fuck the pissant losers who can't get noticed any other way.