I thank Prince for almost osmotically suggesting to a sizeable chunk of the unconventional men I have personally enjoyed that being a nasty sexy unsporty semi-effeminate dirty-talking freak was absolutely okay and that girls love that shit. Bless him for that. And for writing Gett Off, which is fucking awesome. |
< And bless youtube commentator kl17 for the pithy nature of their commiserations and eschewal of florid hyperbole. Don't go changing. So yeah, sadly, Prince is dead while numberless unsightly fucktards survive and continue to try our patience. Except the second last molar from the upper left side of my mouth is also dying/dead/undead in sympathy with Prince and is currently poking my sinus nerves in the fucking taint with its emo bullshit; I would kick aside all odontophobic considerations and go get the bitch ripped out, except today is a fucking public holiday and my date with two xs novocain is thusly cockblocked. We go to the local Dental School clinic because A: we're poor and B: we prefer treatment protocols authored by practical necessity rather than profit. |
Interesting, isn't it?

In my own defence, I have bad previous experiences, a small mouth, hypodontia, and the redhead-related MC1R analgesia-fucking gene to contend with so it's not all just me being dumb and/or a pussy. If you suspect you have the MC1R variant (it's not just a redhead thing- look it up) and tend to require heroic sedation/analgesic measures, tell your dentist, yo. Insist that they double your pain relief and you should be fine. My tooth was seriously fucked and required a lot of speculative drilling but after a shot on each side (which didn't freak even a needlephobe like myself), I might still have been able to feel what was going on but it wasn't painful or particularly bothersome at all. To put it in perspective, I was more annoyed by the sensation of someone's hand in my fucking mouth. Everyone I've spoken to says extended drilling is a lot more traumatic than a simple extraction but honestly, the former didn't bother me once it was underway. So I'm hoping the latter will be less of a horror than my imagination suggests.
Unfortunately, my imagination wrote this book. God dammit. Don't know what I'm posting this week; it will be dentistry-dependant.
For your delectation- Prince, Gett Off. Are you here for that audition too?