- Am I really the only one who wants to push the unsavoury freak responsible for this abomination off a fucking cliff onto some really sharp granitic formations? Along with his unfortunate creation and anyone who who can look at these pictures without feeling like their skin is crawling off their fucking bodies like Squidward on methamphetamines?
- Why, in the sweaty, fucked up, meta-offensive, real-doll hell do male animatronic enthusiasts make all their fucking AI/robotic/computer bots female?
- Is it gay to make a boy robot?
- Why do their faces always look like someone skinned a 12 year old girl?
- Who the fuck are these stunted neckbeards and why do they still feel entitled to appropriate female shit when I'm 100% certain that living women have been explicitly delineating their personal shortcomings for years?
- How many more actual real-time images of this demented fuckery does anyone need before we decide to hit flush on this entire concept?
I don't enjoy Johansson's work personally and she sounds like a vapid dick in a lot of interviews. But this guy stole her fucking face. I'd like to see some witless dweeb build an Obama robot and have it call them masser and pose next to it with a smug little smile and maybe tweak its nose for the cameras. The online outrage would singe his fucking brows off before you could get the words Twitter and mob out of your mouth. Because, you know, obvious and compelling reasons. |
But hey- build a tittylicious ladybot, model it on a fucking extant woman without her permission, have it giggle when you sexually harass it and that's just how shit goes, right? Perfectly healthy and natural. Yeah, if anyone wants to know where all this automated bollocks is headed and why: behold. Before we as a species can even clear the table of pathetic male privilege, we're laying out the next course of disenfranchised objectification like it's no biggie. |
If you're going to read one single piece of adult seriousness this week, you should probably have a fucking look at the Guardian's Mossack Fonseca Panamanian tax haven leak coverage. While it may sound boring, it's a massive calamity for rich cunts everywhere which is always important and it even looks like the G is going for the Putin jugular in its funny old way. This is a huge leak and thinking people need to give it their full attention. |