I did a panorama from the front door. You can see a bit of snow hanging round on top of the Sawyers Bay hills (sort of).
I'd never really heard of the Hum before I started scouring the internet for experiences matching my own but I have an obsessive personality and just can't handle unexplained shit in regard to myself so everything I could find was emptied into the sloppy bucket of panicky possibility, along with brain tumours, incipient deafness, multiple sclerosis, sinister governmental experimentation and schizophrenia. All the fucking lols, let me tell you, especially at three in the fucking morning.
I'm less inclined to slit my wrists as my brain slowly downregulates the drone and I start to narrow the somatic possibilities, but I wouldn't wish low frequency tinnitus on anyone.
That's a slight exaggeration (people keep hacking his Wikipage and the peeps overseeing it don't seem to be falling over themselves to fix that shit which is tremendously satisfying.)
With my being so fucking wrapped up in my own ear canal, I think I'll be posting a lipstick review this week. And I am nagging R into getting started on those Blackthorn Orphan audio files but that's reminding me of phantom tonalities so please excuse me while I put my head through a plaster wall like Roy in fucking Blade Runner. |
God Corgan looked like the worst kind of drippy semi with that hair.