If this is incoherent or sort of crazed-sounding, please excuse my sleep deprivation. We're just so happy he's happy.
Will probably resume normal posting next week.
At the moment he's doing better than we are because he gets plenty of rest and attention. His recovery has been astounding really; a week after surgery he's doing 5 K walks and hills with us and is pretty much back to normal behaviour. He's able to do this because he was largely walking on three legs for two weeks before his op and isn't starting from scratch with the new gait, but still: all credit to you, Foofie. The only drama we've had is one munched stitch. The white thing on his back is the Fentanyl patch that was removed a day or so ago. If this is incoherent or sort of crazed-sounding, please excuse my sleep deprivation. We're just so happy he's happy. Will probably resume normal posting next week. Comments are closed.
Independent Creativity