This is Rita, my latest niece, grasping a Lindt wrapper and regarding the camera with innate suspicion, so she must be related to me. Rita enjoys bouncing, jewellery, staring and sticking her tongue out which again confirms our genetic association. I'm not really too keen on subadults (or adults) as a rule but Rita and I did enjoy something of an immediate rapport, which is cool. Babies might not know shit, generally speaking, but they have eerie powers of emotional perception and their approval means you're probably not evil-crazy. Possibly just more benign-insane.
So thanks, Rita, for the staring and the eeearrgghss and ugghhhhugghhs hugggh huhgs huhggs. I promise I will publish Tiny Little Dinosaurs and spend all those massive royalties buying you the biggest fucking xylophone and a bass drum with an eye movement sensor and maybe something with a siren on it, lol.