Simply Sensational (I nearly put it down again at the nursery because of the crap name) is a nice tall glossy bush, delivering massively thick velvety blooms in a true deep red. It is a late starter here in New Zealand, coming into flower toward early midsummer- not such a bad thing since it misses all the spring rain, and there is a modest hybrid Tea scent. It gets two solid thumbs up.
On the desk on the bedroom. I rescued them from impending sun scorch yesterday when it hit a good 30ºC after a month of overcast and crisped the living shit out of everything else. Simply Sensational (I nearly put it down again at the nursery because of the crap name) is a nice tall glossy bush, delivering massively thick velvety blooms in a true deep red. It is a late starter here in New Zealand, coming into flower toward early midsummer- not such a bad thing since it misses all the spring rain, and there is a modest hybrid Tea scent. It gets two solid thumbs up. Comments are closed.
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