That's a hoverfly directly above. The Lovely R took these with his beloved Tokina 90mm ATX Macro on a Nikon D300. The wind was blowing so he did really well to get this much sharpness. Note the lovely bokeh (out of focus) backgrounds which are a feature of this lens; these Tokinas are pretty old now (circa 80's) and a Nikon mount example will set you back around 400 euros unless you get lucky on Ebay, but they're worth every darn penny. These images are impoverished jpegs; the originals are very lovely. Nice work babe! |
> A New Zealand native bee species (lasioglossum?) with bulging pollen sacks. They're hard to spot at around half the size of a honey bee and are pretty noiseless on the wing. I think they're solitary too, digging holes in dry sandy soil and clay banks. Not sure if they sting; I know a lot of Australian native species do not. |