Choking on snow up north? Well I was too hot to take pics and too mad at a neighbourhood dipshit and his 4-hour over-revved line trimmer orgy on a fucking empty paddock full of dead grass. On a 30ºC day. If I believed in hell, I would believe there was a special place in it for all the chainsaw-humping, whipper-snipper-riding windowlickers and their obvious erectile dysfunction. Fuck them, right in the arse. But anyways... pretty flowers. ^ My Wilsonara orchid. From the front this time. BELOW LEFT Rose Brother Cadfael & Lilium regale. ABOVE Helenium Moerheim Beauty. BELOW RIGHT Lilium Shocking. BELOW LEFT Lilium Bonbonini. ABOVE LEFT Bumblebee on a white Salvia. ABOVE RIGHT Lilium Robina. ABOVE Clockwise: Unknown Hammet Dahlia, Helenium, Ligularia Britt-Marie. Comments are closed.
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