Inside me I can feel a mass of chocolate brown and velvet red plasma that trembles and ripples with every shift in my mood and imagined idea. My alien companion opens their mouth and shows me what this substance looks like when they convey their desire to leave this planet (I don't know how, some airborne method that is never resolved). The internal liquid lies vertically in their tall, stretched out maw and ripples rhythmically, defying gravity, expressing their wishes in lieu of spoken words.
I am gripped with a terrible paralysing distress. I feel as though leaving will not save me. The knowledge that everything around me is doomed, no matter what I do, is felt in crippling, ever-tightening waves of constriction.
REMARKS This happened about a month ago now. I haven't had a bona fide nightmare for ages, but this woke me up in a small panic and I couldn't go back to sleep for hours. The image of the dark liquid throbbing in my fellow alien's mouth will stay with me for a long time. The idea that I was only somehow half-alien, neither here nor there and stuck between the two states is interesting since I've always sort of felt like a fraudulent adult, a non-grownup, suspicious of the certainty of others- maybe it's referring to that. And for some reason, reading this over lights a fire under my wanting to get a fucking tattoo- sort of as a prophylactic measure. Like nothing bad will happen if I do. Lol.