Tomatoes are vaguely evil. There is something innately gross about them; in fact, they are the Terry Richardson of fruit, which is why I staged the exploitative shot below- to jolt you out of your complacency, obviously. Look at a tomato and wonder where anyone got the guts to twist one off that stinky, wicked plant for the first time and put it in their mouths. Just like Terry. I imagine the wild-type fruit aren't much to write home about and the commercial crop here in New Zealand won't exactly get you coming in your pants either. They're hydroponic, mostly, or at least they taste that way- if I had to characterize their flavour, I'd say it was bland, watery, low-functioning green. I'm using store-bought tomatoes for this relish as they're cheap ($2.80 a kilo), plentiful at the moment, probably at their seasonal peak or at least as good as they're going to get. A lot of people like to use the shittiest fruit they can get their hands on but this is a false economy and the eternal equation remains- crap in, crap out. |
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