So Chaud, I've ducked you for years, trying to convince myself that MAC Lady Danger will do, then regretting that basic notion only to decide that I must have you right now then discovering you are unavailable in the heat of that exigent moment. Trifling ho! So Chaud is a lot cleaner than Lady Danger's double-down tomato, devoid of brown and richly, totally saturated. It's almost true orange, not as cooly sour or yellow as the infamous MAC Morange which is fairly unflattering if not unwearable (just sayin) for most people. Frustratingly, the swatches diminish the quite meaningful differences between LD and SC. MAC veterans will be able to look at these tube shots and know that's not Lady Danger standing there, but it's on the actual face that So Chaud really becomes distinct. LD reads loud, bright and hot traffic-light red when worn. SC is not as massively vibrant; it's strong and balanced rather than screechy and could not be termed red by any stretch of the imagination. Orange isn't everyone's cup of tea and can be aesthetically challenging even when it is. So Chaud is magnificent on neutral to warm-leaning complexions, be they pale, golden or deep. Cool-toned, sallow-tending or ashy punters should probably look elsewhere for a statement shade and I can't see it doing dark eye circles, stale tans or toner-deficient blondes any favours either, so it's possibly not something to pic up on impulse. Not that you really can since it's one of those annoyingly elusive Pro shades. | MAC So Chaud (matte) is a delicious pillar of hypnotic orange. These two tabletop tube shots are pretty accurate, especially that one to the left there which is fairly darn close to reality. On my dark lips it turns oooh, maybe 5% deeper, but doesn't head in a redder direction. At all. You will be wearing a straight shot of orange-orange, so abandon all thoughts of coral or peach. |
Russian Red, So Chaud, Lady Danger, Chili, Strange Journey (LE), Urban Decay F-Bomb.
Below Left: So Chaud, MAC Ruffian Red (LE) Not a bad shot, colour-wise. You can see how the intensity and brightness of the orange is buildable in this squiggle. Ruffian Red is a definite red with warm and orange undertones.