It's that time again- longest night of the year for us here in the so'hem and midsummer everywhere else.
If it weren't blowing an arse-biting gale down here we'd have a bit of fire outside and blacken some marshmallows over the crappy little Japanese grill and maybe get a bit baked, but you can't have it all. Solstice is traditionally an out with the old/in with the new type situation. Personally, I'm determined to stop dicking around and get started on a serious draft of the next book. The Lovely R says he too is going to start writing again in earnest. Garuda would say it's about fucking time. So... what's on the cards for you? You could always.... finally buy the book commit your money or time to a new charity. Ditch that deadweight job/habit/partner. Stop dicking around and get started on your own book/painting/ironic conceptual installation slash homage. What's stopping you? N o t h i n g r e a l. Thanks again to everyone who's taken the time to peruse our work. X X K and R |