So I dedicate this series of lovingly-intended objectifications to the beautiful M, who never exhausted my regard.
Let's inaugurate this category with something for the connoisseur- Mr Walken. Smooth but strange.
Yes I would.
While I am sometimes disgusted to the point of generalized misandry with the masculine contingent as a whole, in truth I have always found myself far more at ease in the company of men than other women, gay, straight or misc. I've never been sure why, but perhaps it is their guilelessness; that quality of succinct and unabashed simplicity that is such a hallmark of the worthwhile man. They are children of privilege, by and large, born into a favour that, as women, we will probably never fully understand but sometimes... I forgive them. So I dedicate this series of lovingly-intended objectifications to the beautiful M, who never exhausted my regard. Let's inaugurate this category with something for the connoisseur- Mr Walken. Smooth but strange. Yes I would. Comments are closed.
Independent Creativity