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LEFT Cool Loo's what? Apostrophe crime is never a joke and I'm adding twenty years to your sentence for forcing me to consider exactly what a toilet might actually be in possession of. Intrigued by the thought of air conditioned loos, though. Every seat must be an adventure. Lots of fancy coaches etc for the important people. Impressive. |
LEFT We assumed, from his air of general internalised importance, hat, Tshirt tucked down hard into his belt and errr... boots, that the big blue-shirted unit in this shot was the director. Oh contraire. He's the horse guy. I sometimes wonder if we are intrinsically bad people for thinking the things we do, or if we were are just victims of circumstance. BELOW Rachel fluffs her shit? It looked like she did. |
Nobody should be holding someone else's fucking umbrella- the end.
They broke for lunch and so did we. Part three coming up next.