Pretty strange, actually. Sit cross legged with me now while I pick the white chocolate drops off the ganache covering my one month on the internets cake.
The internet looms so large and loud in our estimation that I've always thought of it as noisy. Once you're inside it falls strangely silent, sharing qualities with an abandoned picture theatre and some sort of particle accelerator that fires atoms through your person. People and ideas move all around and often through you but they won't stay to be interrogated; some things whine and nag over your shoulder while objects you are staring and perhaps waving at remain aloof and silent. All very confusing and rather disorientating. If you're contemplating it for yourself, pack a thick skin.
I never imagined it would be this difficult to maintain a consistent opinion of any single process. And quite a few things have startled me. The number of people who troupe through the site, for one; that has been gratifying, but then my expectations had hovered somewhere around zero, so er, yeah. That they seemed actually curious about the book as much as anything was unexpected too, since I'd been warned that was a pretty hard row to hoe. If only they would make the trip to checkoutland more often. But you know, my inner disgraced scientist reminds me that no one can conduct a successful comparison from this scanty basis. I am overanalyzing a sample that does not exist. It's one month, for fuck's sake.
It does remind me of one of the few benefits of making it past twenty five; that golden, wing'd legate, Perspective, and her blessed angel-visits to our bedsides. Perspective and I have chatted for a while, and having looked around I am at least at peace with my work having attained that bare, minimum standard whereby you can expect someone to sit through a paragraph without falling comatose or dry-retching. It is my tendency, however, to find the B in any B&W, and I do fear that the bottomless dross lapping at the very armpits of the epubbing edifice really might have made the public absolutely gun-shy of anything unsupported by a slick campaign or industrial circle-jerking. We shall probably see about that.
A sincere thanks to any constant readers I might have garnered thus far; your support is heartening and deeply appreciated. We're thinking of adding some audio files of excerpts, or something similar.